
If you landed on this page, you’ve already felt the spark of Divine Expansion within you…

You are feeling called to rise…

To lead…

To step into the gifts you were BORN to embody and share.

As Embodied Love you were encoded with the ability to be a channel of pure creative energy! You are a bridge between the power of pure creative potential and the deep needs of the world. 

The seeds of your Archetype were planted before you were born.

You were infused with these specific gifts, and you carried them with you as you traveled your ray of light from the Divine Realm and here to the earth.

But then…distraction.

Life on earth has a way of separating us from our Divine Purpose. 

And now it is time for the Divine Reunion!

Time for you to reconnect to the gifts that have laid dormant deep inside.

Time to LIVE your destiny!

Right now, you can get access to your customized Soul Bridge Activation Kit!

This kit was designed to help you realign to your soul and will reveal to you which of the 7 Rays of Creation is most closely tied to you and the life you were meant to live!

You see these 7 original Rays of Creation are powerful bandwidths of energy.

They are what created everything on the planet. Your soul essence is filtered through one of the rays to provide your unique expression of the creative potential for humanity.

Now that you know your archetype, you can find out which of the 7 Rays of Creation is partnered with your archetypal energy!

This is a revelation that allows you to bring into action the core essence of your being!

It is a power surge for your Embodied Love. 

Not only do you now know your archetype, but you’ll learn exactly how to awaken the archetype in your own reality so that you can APPLY it, embody it, and LIVE the gifts it has to offer you.

Your Soul Bridging Activation Kit is a 2-part initiation:




Here’s what you’ll get!


YOUR RAY IDENTIFIED: In this 23 minute audio I will connect directly with your Soul to intuitively align you to one of the 7 original Rays of Creation you entered into this universe from. 

MASTER AND ANGEL TRANSMISSION: Once your Ray opens up, the Master and Angel of that ray will come forward to provide a transmission to cut through all binds and realign you. This transmission will provide the needed spaciousness for your true soul streams to access creative energy for your heart’s desires. 

ILLUMINATE YOU: After the transmission and realignment, you’ll illuminate your unique essence and have direct access to flow the Pure Creative Energy. Your Heart’s desires come into full manifestation!!


This process will have far reaching results as it calls back soul aspects that have been entangled in misalignment and will provide integration for the realignment to your ray. This sends a bandwidth of energy into your core to illuminate and align the sacred qualities of your soul and connect you powerfully into the universe.  By accessing your ray, you will also gain a great understanding of what your core qualities are and give insight into the soul agreement you are here to carry out.


Part 2 of the Kit reveals the Soul Embodiment Techniques

These techniques have been proven to assist you with not only stabilizing your soul expression through reclaiming your own ground, they also assist you with living multi-dimensionally. 

We are evolving through our emotions and from being empathic to multi-dimensional.  It is important that we have a structure that can not only hold us but can teach us where our energies are going. 

These techniques do this as well as allowing for the structures of the body to receive the crystalline light from the earth, so you are ascending from the inside out to really step into the soul bridging archetype. 

These techniques work directly with the Christ Consciousness, the Holy Spirit, and the Rays of Creation which will ignite the trinity within you, so you have a strong foundation to expand into your higher light. 

Embodiment is about LIVING from archetypal energy so that you are carrying out the destiny you were encoded with at birth!

This is a powerful activation that was built to infuse you with the gifts of your Archetype and Ray of Creation as a bridge to awakening your most aligned, inspired life!

It’s a deep dive and will tell you what you need to know to activate all the power centers within you and truly step into your role as Embodied Love on this earth!

This is your next best step if what you truly crave is to finally FEEL into your essence, your most authentic self, your Divine DESTINY!

Imagine what you could create if you walked through life embodying the energy that was Divinely bestowed upon you.

Imagine how grounded and centered you would feel knowing you were having the EXACT earthly experience that was ordained for you! 

It’s possible. 

And it starts with discovering your Ray of Creation.

Limited Time Special Offer

Activate Your Soul Now
